Fake Emiratisation

How We can Help You to Avoid Fake Emiratisation

Emiratisation is a cornerstone of the UAE’s economic and social development strategy. The Emiratisation aims to increase the employment of Emirati nationals in the private sector. The noble goal has been marred by a growing concern. That is fake Emiratisation. In other words, this practice involves companies falsely claiming to employ Emirati. They do so to falsely claim to meet government quotas. In actuality, they often provide these nationals with nominal roles or no duties at all. These deceitful actions undermine the spirit of Emiratisation. Also, it hinders the genuine integration of Emiratis into the workforce.

In this guide:

  • We discuss the intricacies of fake Emiratisation
  • Fake Emiratisation and its implications for the UAE’s economy and society.
  • You will learn the measures too that are being taken to combat this fraudulent practice.

So, don’t miss any part, let’s start exploring the details!

Importance of Genuine Emiratisation

Understanding the significance of genuine Emiratisation is crucial. This is necessary before diving deeper into the issue of fake emiratisation. The policy is not only a quota system but a strategic investment in the nation’s human capital.

Economic Growth and Diversification:

A skilled and empowered Emirati workforce is essential. Particularly for driving economic growth and diversification. The UAE can reduce its reliance on expatriate labor by creating opportunities for Emiratis in various sectors. It also helps foster a more sustainable economy.

Knowledge Transfer:

Emiratisation facilitates the knowledge and expertise transfer from experienced professionals to the younger generation. This practice ensures continuity and innovation.

Social Cohesion:

The Emiratis integration into the workforce strengthens social cohesion. It also fosters a sense of belonging. Empowering them to contribute actively to the nation’s development.

National Identity:

Genuine Emiratisation promotes Emirati culture and values. This practice can be done by creating opportunities. Especially for young people to engage with the nation’s heritage.

Global Competitiveness:

A skilled Emirati workforce enhances the UAE’s global competitiveness. This practice attracts foreign investment and talent.

In essence, genuine Emiratisation is a catalyst for progress. This in turn drives economic prosperity, social harmony, and national pride.

Benefits to the UAE Economy

Emiratisation is more than just a policy. It is a strategic investment in the UAE’s future. Its impact on the economy is profound. The key benefits of Emiratisation to the UAE economy involve:

Reduced Dependency on Expatriate Labor:

The UAE can reduce its reliance on foreign labor by increasing the number of Emiratis in the workforce. This action by the UAE helps enhance its economic resilience.

Talent Development and Skill Enhancement:

The Emiratisation program fosters a culture of learning and development. This equip Emiratis with the skills to thrive in a global economy.

Economic Diversification:

An Emirati workforce is essential for driving economic diversification. The diversification away from oil and towards knowledge-based industries.

Increased Productivity and Innovation:

Emiratis bring fresh and innovative ideas. This in turn contributes to increased productivity and competitiveness.

Consumer Spending Power:

Domestic consumption increases as Emirati incomes rise. It stimulates economic growth and creates new business opportunities.

Social Stability and National Unity:

Empowering Emiratis through employment fosters a sense of belonging. It contributes to a more stable and cohesive society.

Long-Term Sustainability:

The UAE ensures a sustainable economic future for generations to come by investing in its human capital

Role in Social Development

Emiratisation fosters a sense of belonging and national identity. As it provides opportunities for Emiratis to contribute to their country’s growth. Similarly, by creating an empowered Emirati workforce, the UAE can reduce social inequalities. This helps them in promoting an equitable society.

Additionally, Emiratisation strengthens social cohesion. This can be done by encouraging collaboration between different segments of the population.

Long-Term Vision for the UAE Workforce

The UAE envisions a highly skilled Emirati workforce. The one who is capable of driving innovation and economic growth in an economy. To achieve this, the country is investing in:

  • Education
  • Training, and
  • Development programs to equip Emiratis with the skills needed to excel in the future job market.

Basically, the goal is to create a sustainable workforce. The one that can contribute to the UAE’s global leadership position.

How We can Help You to Avoid Fake Emiratisation

Don’t Let Fake Emiratisation Undermine Your Business! With us, you can avoid the risks and penalties associated with fake emiratisation. Our experts help you navigate the Emiratisation regulations smoothly. Ensure your business is compliant by having us!

The Emiratisation Hub conducts assessments to identify potential compliance gaps. Our team develops effective plans to meet Emiratisation quotas while maximizing the value of your Emirati talent. Our team implements programs to foster a positive work environment. This in turn enhances employee satisfaction.

Stay updated with the latest Emiratisation laws and regulations with us. Protect your business from penalties and reputational damage.

Let us guide you towards genuine Emiratisation success!

The Concept of Fake Emiratisation

The deceptive practice of companies falsely claiming to employ Emirati nationals. They do so claim falsely to meet government-mandated quotas. However, in reality, the individuals may have minimal or no actual work responsibilities.

Defining Fake Emiratisation

Fake Emiratisation involves companies creating fictitious Emirati job roles or employing Emiratis for nominal positions. Those positions/roles that do not contribute significantly to the company’s operations.

The practice is fraudalent which undermines the genuine spirit of Emiratisation. However, the Emiratisation aims to integrate Emiratis into the workforce. This in turn contributes to the nation’s development.

Additionally, the practice is often driven by the desire to avoid penalties. The fines are imposed by the government for non-compliance with Emiratisation quotas.

Why Fake Emiratisation Occurs

Companies have pressure to meet Emiratisation quotas. They often fear to face incurring penalties. To avoid this, they tempt into fraudulent practices. Stringent enforcement mechanisms and monitoring systems lack can create opportunities for companies. This aids them to engage in fake Emiratisation. Additionally, Emirati nationals may lack the necessary skills for certain roles can contribute to the fake Emiratisation.

Impact of Fake Emiratisation

The impact of Emiratisation has been discussed here in detail:

Economic Impact

Fake Emiratisation distorts the labor market. This in turn hinders the creation of genuine job opportunities for Emiratis. Undermining the effectiveness of government incentives aimed at promoting Emiratisation.

Social Impact

Social impact erodes trust between the government and citizens. As it undermines the credibility of Emiratisation policies. Creating a negative perception of Emirati workers’ capabilities.

Impact on Genuine Emiratis

Genuine Emiratis seeking employment face increased competition due to inflated Emiratisation numbers. Hampering their career opportunities as fake Emiratisation deprives them of meaningful jobs.


In conclusion, fake Emiratisation is a serious issue. It undermines the laudable goals of the UAE’s Emiratisation policy. Companies gain unfair advantages by deceiving and exploiting a good initiative. Also, it hinders the genuine progress of Emirati talent. The consequences of this practice are far-reaching.

Ensuring the success of Emiratisation is essential for the development of the UAE. In short, robust measures, transparency, and creating meaningful opportunities for Emiratis are crucial.

Emiratisation truly empowers the nation by working together. The government, private sector, and Emirati citizens can build a bright future. It is imperative that companies prioritize genuine Emiratisation efforts. They can do so by investing in employee development and contributing to the growth of the Emirati workforce. However, this is achievable through collective actions. With this, the UAE will realize its full potential and build a knowledge-based economy.

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