What is Emiratisation

All You Need To Know About What is Emiratisation in UAE

Emiratization is the legal adherence to increasing the participation of Emirati local citizens as a workforce in private or public sectors for employment. The UAE government offers multiple programs to encourage businesses and organizations to hire Emirati citizens as a workforce.

In this article, we will dwell into the final goal of this initiative, the consequences those policies have brought, the impact that has caused in the country, socially, economically and culturally and what the Emiratization means for expatriate workers.

Why Emiratisation Is Important in the UAE?

What is Emiratisation

Emiratization is a policy launched to reduce unemployment among the local citizens in the UAE and create a diverse and successful growing economy in the region. The Emiratization initiatives are to provide a higher standard of living, promote knowledge, and provide multiple employment opportunities for local citizens. They are subject to ensure the Emirati identity and active participation in the national and economic development in the UAE.

It also proposes to break down the gender barriers and provide to their citizens a social stability that allows the cultural growth of the nation. So, under this light we can affirm that the Emiratization’s importance lies on its base of helping their locals to grow in every area of their lives in order to make the UAE grow.

Economics Impacts Of The Emiratisation

Emiratization impacts the UAE’s diverse job market and economic growth, promotes skill development, a diversified work environment, and corporate liabilities towards local citizens and economic factors.

Economy Growth: Emiratization emphasizes businesses and organizations should invest in multiple industries, such as travel and tourism, modern technology applications, and healthcare, to acquire a diversified market and maximum economic growth.

Skill Development: Emiratization emphasized skill development and innovation according to international standards.

Knowledge Transfer: The employment of Emiratis has facilitated the exchange of skills and expertise across various sectors.

Reduced Reliance on Foreign Labor: Emiratization aims to balance the job market, reducing competition for certain roles.

Corporate Liability: Businesses and organizations must extend their Emiratization rates for hiring local citizens annually according to the Emiratization policy in the UAE.

Social and Cultural Significance

Emiratization extends beyond economics, influencing the social and cultural fabric of the UAE in nuanced ways.

  • Preservation of National Identity: This policy aims to preserve the UAE identity.
  • Cultural Integration: The policy encourages cultural integration to create a unified national identity.
  • Youth Empowerment: Emiratization empowers the youth by providing job opportunities.
  • Social Stability: By reducing unemployment, Emiratization contributes to social stability.
  • Family Values: Emiratization aligns with family values, supporting their families and communities.
  • Gender Equality: The Emiratization policy promotes gender equality to provide a healthy and productive work environment where talent is recognized according to its expertise and experiences regardless of gender.
  • Modern Skills Development: This policy promotes the latest skill development, ensuring that local citizens can enhance their skills according to the emerging trends and provide effective work progress at the workplace.
  • Emirati Community Sense of Pride: This policy promotes a community sense of pride as Emiratis enhance their knowledge and expertise and engage in the diverse workforce.
  • Government-Community Partnership: Emiratization represents a partnership between the government and the community.

In summary, we can say that Emiratization is a policy that, beyond the economic strategy, is also based on the well-being of the citizens and the idea of upgrading their lifestyles.

Impact of the Emiratisation In UAE Business

Although some may overlook Emiratization as entirely positive, the businesses that operate in the country may face some challenges.

Quotas for Emiratis: Companies and businesses must follow the rules for Emiratis quotas for employment in the UAE. However, it’s challenging to fulfill the demand as it’s rapidly growing annually due to diversification in the job market.

Adjustments for Hiring Procedures: Companies and businesses must adjust their hiring procedures to meet the Emiratization policy to access a diverse and efficient workforce.

Providing Specialized Training: Businesses must invest in specialized training for Emirati employees, requiring additional resources and time.

Social Responsibility: Providing specialized training is seen as a social responsibility that businesses must undertake.

Balancing Job Market: Achieving a balance between local and international staff requires a strategic approach to navigate differences in work styles and labor expectations.

While it can be perceived as challenging, a business that can align with the law gains a positive image compared to others.

Being seen as diverse, including and supporting the Emirati community, gives power to private and public organizations around the world.

Impact on Expatriate Workforce

Emiratization introduces a significant shift in the job dynamic of the UAE, influencing expatriate employment.

Growing Competition for Positions: Employers are facing a highly increasing competitive job market and diversification for roles and positions with a higher emphasis on hiring Emiratis.

Changes required in recruitmentCompanies need to change their hiring processes according to Emiratization policies Emiratis that is impacting on employment opportunities for expats.

Knowledge Transfer: Expatriates need to focus on knowledge transfer and contributing to the Emiratization initiative to remain relevant in the changing job landscape.

Adaptation and Career Planning: Expatriates must adapt to the changing dynamic and strategically plan their career paths for continued success.

Rather than seeing this as an obstacle, the expatriates can approach this new job dynamic as an opportunity to rebrand themselves and grow into a specific labor path.

Their success will depend on how well they can navigate through the new ways and how much they support Emiratization.

Inclusion and Diversity

What is Emiratisation

Emiratization brings unprecedented diversity to UAE businesses, resulting in numerous positive changes.

  • Talent Attraction: Emiratization enhances talent attraction and retention, creating a diverse and innovative talent pool.
  • Enhanced Customer Understanding: The mix of expatriates and locals improves the response to a varied customer base, elevating customer satisfaction.
  • Global Competitiveness: Embracing Emiratization enhances global competitiveness for private companies, creating a balanced workforce.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Reputation: Companies that embrace Emiratization not only comply with regulations but also cultivate a positive image, contributing to a stellar reputation.

Embracing this new diversity can be difficult at first for both employees and employers, but it is also a chance to create a competitive and collaborative environment.


The impact of Emiratization on the UAE is profound, reshaping the job dynamic and necessitating adaptability from businesses and employees.

While challenges exist, embracing Emiratization is crucial for creating a more diverse, innovative, and participating work environment.

For further insights on Emiratization and related topics, explore our insights section!

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